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Wild Whispers Africa Safaris

Banda Island Camp

Banda Island was initially bought Ten years back however it was not until 1999 when the island opened up to bandastravelers initially. The information offered below will assist you to give you an idea of the ambiance on this island and ways to get here.

The Kasenyi option: The least expensive and most standard is to have a Sesse fishing canoe from the Kasenyi landing area. Get a taxi from the taxi park in the capital Kampala around 4.00 p.m. the Kasenyi walk to the water and on your right-hand side you’ll see a Banda sign on the Kasenyi Takeaway. Visit the takeaway pick a snack before you get on the boat.
Males are carried on shoulders, while females are carried like a baby. Please dress up appropriately; tiny tentskimpy mini-skirts will certainly cause a extended riot among the porters! Departure is based on so many variables such as weather, wind as well as size of the previous day’s fish catch! Normally boats depart around 5pm or 6pm. the  crossing lasts 3 hours, therefore carry a jacket since it gets cold out on the water in the evenings. You’ll cross the equator approximately 15 minutes from Kasenyi, sleepand normally there are beers on the boat. Please remember to make your booking in advance for better preparations.

The Kalangala through Masaka Option: A different route with a shorter time on water, yet more time driving through Masaka and then take the government-ferry departing from Bukakata to Bugalla Island, and then drive all the way to the town of Kalangala where I suggest sessethat you spend the night at Hornbill Camp. the Following day get a canoe to Banda from Mwena . In case you have booked we will pick you from the fishing-village to the camp. Not reserving means having a nice walk through the rain forest for one hour all the way to the camp.

The go back to Kampala: the Boats leaves mid-morning from the beach just in front of this camp, based on the winds and arrives at Kasenyi at about 3.00pm or 4.00 pm.

Restaurant and Bar
sunsetOur Restaurant and Bar provides snacks plus a number of beverages. They prepare delicious meals made to order. All the food is prepared freshly here and it is very delicious.

So as to keep the peace and calm atmosphere on this Banda Island we would rather restrict the accommodation to Twenty four beds, in large tented accommodation beneath iron sheets, offering uninterrupted sights of the lake. Each of the tent is beautifully furnished, has clean linen and a comfortable mattresses and the majority have 2 sets of hammocks on the private verandah. Fortunately this is a malaria free area which as well offers Dormitory accommodation.

Furthermore there are six more beds in a large cottages built with stone and have cemented floors plus huge glass windows, strategically positioned to enjoy a wonderful view of the beautiful surrounding.